Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health

/approx 60 servings

Dog Joint Supplement Chews

    A tasty, effective health chew that supports your dog's joint health, mobility, and overall vitality. Loved by dogs, trusted by owners.

  • Supports joint and bone health
  • Boosts mobility and activity
  • Tasty and easy to chew treat

30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
No Questions Asked.

Shipped within 24 hours.
Picked, packed and sent, ASAP.

From as little as $0.66 a day.
Keep the vet away for less than $1/day.

Lifetime Money Back Guarantee.

Shipped within 24 hours.

From as little as $0.71 a day.

Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health
Dog Joint Supplement Chews - Hero Pet Health

Dog Joint Supplement Chews


    A tasty, effective health chew that supports your dog's joint health, mobility, and overall vitality. Loved by dogs, trusted by owners.

  • Supports joint and bone health
  • Boosts mobility and activity
  • Tasty and easy to chew treat
  • Suitable for all ages and breeds
  • Vet tested and recommended
  • Proudly made in Australia

Save up to 15% on your order with a multi-pack!

Vet reviewed and approved

Your pet deserves the best, and our supplements have the paw of approval from the experts.

Free shipping on orders over $69

Keep your dog and wallet healthy and happy with free shipping on all Australian orders.

Lifetime money back guarantee

No bones about it, if your pet isn't satisfied, we'll give you your money back. Guaranteed.

Proudly made in Australia

Made with love in Australia, our supplements are perfect for your furry friend's wellbeing.

Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made Free shipping over $69 Lifetime money back guarantee Save up to 15% on multi-packs Proudly Australian made

A tasty, effective health chew that supports your dog's joint health, mobility, and overall vitality.

Loved by dogs, trusted by owners.


Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews

Dogs didn’t like them

Bridie H.
Such a fantastic product!

These have been an absolute live saver for our older dog!! Hes moving better and in much less pain i'm so happy I could cry!!!

Olivia E.
Won't be going back

We were using a powdered supplement for our older dog and it was so annoying always having to spread it over her food or sometimes fogettting! Having these in a treat makes life so much easier especially when we forget to give them to her at meal times.

Mia C.
Gave to our dog post surgery

We've given these to our kelpie after their hip surgery and she's bouncing back really well. Not out of the woods yet but seem to really help things along!

Sharlene H.
Happy with the results

Really happy with how this has helped my older shepherd.

Luna A.
Dog follows us around waiting for treat time

Our dog follows us around waiting for treat time he loves these so much. We've tried powders and other supplements in the past but would forget to give them to him at dinner time which would mean we would miss a day. These are great because he can have them any time of day and he loves the taste. I'd definitely recommend to anyone who is forgetful as me! 5/5

A Happy Fur Baby!

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."

Firstname A.

A Happy Fur Baby!

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."

Firstname A.

A Happy Fur Baby!

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."

Firstname A.

Is your dog suffering?

Signs of joint pain or arthritis

Is your dog slowing down and showing signs of joint pain or arthritis?

  • Struggling to stand up and lay down
  • Has pain running or doesn’t run
  • Has slowed or doesn’t like walks
  • Struggles or avoids going up stairs
  • Shows signs of visible knee pain
  • Favouring one leg when walking
  • Doesn’t like playing anymore

These are common symptoms of joint pain and arthritis but with our Joint Health Treat you can help ease their pain and help them live a happier and more active life.

What our customers say


Ebony F.

Perth, WA

Our dog Sunny (Labrador x Kelpie) has some arthritis in his hips which flares up the day after a big park or beach run, making him very stiff and sore.

Since he’s been on the Joint Health Chews we’ve noticed a big difference in how he’s moving and his happiness after exercise. I love the fact that the ingredients are all natural and Australian made.

The chews are a great size and flavour - Sunny gobbles them up without any hesitation!

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Vicki T.

Perth, WA

Our cavoodle Peggy has had some issues with her gut and stool consistency but after a few days of Hero's probiotic her poo's are much firmer and more regular.

She's a really fussy eater but absolutely loves the chews. When I put them in her dinner bowl they're the first thing she eats every time!

Improve your dogs quality of life

Joint Health Chew Benefits

Alleviate Daily Joint Stiffness

Our soft chews for dogs help maintain healthy joints and connective tissue, reducing stiffness caused by everyday activity or ageing. 

Boost Exercise Endurance

Hero Joint chews enhance your dog's exercise tolerance, helping them to live an active, happy life they deserve - and give you your running partner back!

Easy and tasty delivery

Forget forcing your dog to eat a tablet or using a messy meal topper, our Joint Chew Treat is a soft chewable that your dog will love.

Promote Joint and Bone Health

With a targeted blend of research backed ingredients to help promote healthy joints and bones in dogs of any age


Support Joint Flexibility & Health

Containing powerful ingredients, our joint supplement supports tissue pliability and healthy joint fluid, improving joint flexibility and easing occasional discomfort.

Vet reviewed and approved

Our supplements are vet reviewed and approved, ensuring they are safe and effective for your furry friend.

What Makes Hero Joint Supplements So Unique

Hero vs the others

Made from clean, real ingredients
Full of fillers and other nasties
Science backed, effective formulas
Lacking scientific support or effectiveness
Easy to administer, any time of day
Difficult to administer, like pills or powders
Wheat and grain free
Wheat, grains and other potential allergens
Australian made, to Australian standards
Manufactured overseas with unknown standards
Flavour dogs love
Unpleasant or bland flavor, not palatable
30 day money back guarantee
No refund or return policy
Vet approved and reviewed
Not vet approved or reviewed
Meat free for allergic dogs
Contains meat, allergenic for some dogs
High dose active ingredients
Low dose or 'fairy dusted' ingredients

Proactive health care for your dog

Avoid expensive vet bills with joint health supplements

Hero's joint health supplements are a natural way to support your pet's joint health and prevent the onset of joint-related issues.

By providing your furry friend with the essential nutrients needed to maintain healthy and flexible joints, you can reduce the likelihood of expensive vet bills in the future.

Hero’s Joint Health Treats are formulated with premium, natural ingredients to keep your pet's joints in tip-top shape. 

Joint Health Chews

Active ingredients

Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM)

Support Joint Flexibility Naturally

Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) is a naturally occurring compound renowned for promoting joint flexibility and mobility.

It aids in maintaining healthy cartilage, enhancing your pet's agility and comfort. MSM is present in various foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.

This remarkable ingredient ensures that your furry companion enjoys effortless movement, like a gentle breeze through a serene landscape.


Foundation of Joint Resilience

Collagen, a fundamental protein, acts as the cornerstone of joint health.

It provides structural support to joints, ensuring their flexibility and cushioning.

Commonly found in bone broth and connective tissues, collagen is akin to the scaffold that upholds a masterpiece, ensuring that your pet's mobility remains a work of art.


Natural Comfort for Joints

Turmeric, celebrated for its anti-inflammatory properties, offers natural relief to joint discomfort.

Derived from the root of the turmeric plant, this spice has been used for centuries to soothe various ailments.

Turmeric's potency in easing joint tension is akin to a gentle embrace, enveloping your pet's joints in comfort and ease.

Vitamin C

Collagen's Collaborative Partner

Vitamin C, an essential nutrient abundant in citrus fruits and berries, joins forces with collagen production.

It facilitates the synthesis of collagen, a key component of joint structure.

This collaboration is akin to an architect and builder working in harmony to construct a solid foundation for your pet's joint well-being.


Calcium Fructoborate

Essential Joint Nourishment

Calcium Fructoborate, a unique mineral complex, offers vital nourishment for joint health. This compound supports the structural integrity of joints, aiding in their overall function.

Present in fruits like apples, pears, and grapes, calcium fructoborate contributes to your pet's well-being, much like the solid foundation of a well-constructed structure.

Flax Seed

Omega-3 Enriched Joint Care

Flax Seed offers a bounty of omega-3 fatty acids that support joint health and alleviate discomfort.

It's a nutritional treasure found in numerous foods, such as fish and walnuts.

These essential fatty acids provide lubrication to joints, fostering smooth movement and helping your pet embrace each day with ease.

Vitamin E

Joint Health's Guardian

Vitamin E plays a pivotal role in safeguarding joint health through its potent antioxidant properties.

Abundant in foods like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens, this vitamin shields joints from oxidative stress, preserving their longevity and vitality.

Like a vigilant protector, vitamin E ensures that your pet's joints remain resilient and fortified.


Supporting Joint Flexibility

Manganese, an essential mineral found in nuts, seeds, and whole grains, plays a vital role in maintaining joint flexibility.

It contributes to the formation of healthy cartilage, ensuring that your pet's joints can move with grace and ease.

Manganese acts as a behind-the-scenes conductor, orchestrating fluidity in every movement.


Preserving Joint Wellness

Zinc, an essential mineral found in a variety of foods, including meat, dairy, and legumes, supports overall joint wellness.

It aids in cartilage maintenance and helps regulate inflammation, ensuring your pet's joints stay resilient and comfortable.

Like a guardian of well-being, zinc stands watch, ensuring your furry companion's joints remain in optimal condition.

All about Joint Treat Chews

Frequently asked questions

If the question that you are looking for is not listed, get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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